Turkey Exported GENESIS To Pakistan

The renowned Pakistani Naval expert and journalist Usman Ansari mentioned in his article in the May issue of the Warships International, about the Aman 2013 exercise, that Pakistani Navy has acquired the GENESIS combat management system for its Perry class frigate F-260 PNS Alamgir.

This is the first official acknowledgement that Turkey has sold the GENESIS CMS to Pakistani Navy, thought this has been rumored in Turkish for a couple of years. This is the first export success of the GENESIS CMS.

GENESIS was conceived by the Research, Project Development, Department of Turkish Navy. They built a prototype as a proof of concept and developed the system to the full extend. After the system got enough maturity the GENESIS project was handed over to Turkish defence contractor Havelsan for further improvement, serial production and international marketing.

The GENESIS was created to update the old CIC of the Perry class frigates and replace all legacy consoles, displays with modern multifunction operator consoles. More importantly with the implementation of GENESIS all existing sensors and weapon systems of the Perry class frigates will be able to communicate with each other. This system enhances the ships’ situation awareness and accelerates the defense capabilities, decreasing the detect-to-engage reaction time by more than half.

F-492 TCG Gemlik was the first ship to receive the GENESIS system.

As is GENESIS is marketable to almost all second-hand PERRY class frigate users. Thus Pakistani Navy becomes the first foreign user of the GENESIS CMS. Of course important questions like when the deal was signed what is the value of the contract what is the delivery time line are remain unanswered yet.