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Ketiga kapal Nakhoda Ragam class ditawarkan ke TNI AL. Kapal tersebut cukup ditebus dengan harga 296 juta euro atau sekitar 380 juta dollar AS (photo : Militaryphotos)
Senayan - TNI AL meminta dukungan pada Komisi I DPR RI untuk pembelian tiga kapal perang buatan Inggris. Pembelian alutsista ini guna memperkuat armada perang TNI AL dalam menjaga keamanan dan kedaulatan NKRI di perairan.
Hal ini disampaikan Kepala Staf TNI AL Laksamana Soeparno di sela-sela raker dengan Komisi I DPR di Komplek Senayan, Rabu (29/1). Raker itu membahas hibah KRI Karang Ungaran 985 ke Kabupaten Sangihe Sulawesi Utara.
Soeparno mengatakan, TNI AL ingin membeli tiga kapal perang buatan Inggris. Jenisnya multi role light frigates yang dibangun oleh galangan kapal BAE pada tahun 2001. Kapal pertama telah menyelesaikan tes di laut pada Desember 2003. Kapal kedua dites pada Mei 2004. Kemudian kapal ketiga mulai melaut pada Oktober 2004.
Kapal ini mulanya dipesan Kerajaan Brunei Darussalam. Namun setelah melihat hasil tiga kali uji coba tersebut, pihak Kerajaan membatalkan pesanan.
Jika Brunei enggan, kenapa TNI AL malah bernafsu membelinya?
"Kita sinyalir, pembatalan pembelian kapal perang dari Inggris oleh Brunei bukanlah karena alasan teknis tetapi alasan politis. Yaitu ada ketersinggungan Brunei pada Inggris pada isu tertentu," jawab Soeparno.
Informasi lebih dalam lantas didapat dari otoritas militer Brunei. Ternyata, ungkap Soeparno, jumlah personil angkatan laut negeri kaya itu terbatas jumlahnya. Hanya sekitar 800 personil. Sedangkan tiga kapal perang buatan Inggris itu butuh dioperasikan oleh 330 personil. Alhasil, Brunei bakal kerepotan mengurusnya.
Akhirnya, pada tahun 2007 kapal itu dipindahkan dari Brasko Brunei ke galangan kapal di Inggris. Setahun kemudian Kementerian Pertahanan menawarkan pada TNI AL untuk membelinya.
"TNI AL pun menindaklanjuti hal itu. Kami menyatakan, penawaran tersebut merupakan hal yang sangat baik dalam rangka pemenuhan armada TNI AL," ujarnya.
Brunei sempat membayar sekitar 600 juta poundsterling per kapal. Adapun penawaran ke TNI AL, kapal itu cukup ditebus dengan 296 juta euro atau sekitar 380 juta dollar AS. Angka ini terbilang murah. Di sisi lain pihak Brunei lebih senang jika kapal ini dibeli Indonesia karena punya dok galangan kapal sendiri untuk pemeliharaan. Pihak lain yang berminat adalah Malaysia.
Menurut Soeparno, kapal perang ini canggih karena sudah dilengkapi dengan misil anti kapal selam. Dengan kelengkapan itu, dia bilang, "Sudah dapat mengantisipasi kapal selama milik tetangga."
Variety third class ship captain offered to the Navy. The ship was quite redeemed at a price of 296 million euros, or about 380 million U.S. dollars (photo: Militaryphotos)
Senayan - The Navy asked for support in the House of Representatives Commission I for the purchase of three warships made in England. This defense equipment purchases in order to strengthen the fleet of the Navy in maintaining the security and sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia in the waters.
This was conveyed by the Chief of Staff Navy Adm. Soeparno on the sidelines of the retreat with Commission I at Senayan Complex on Wednesday (29/1). Raker was discussing grant Rock Ungaran KRI 985 to Sangihe district of North Sulawesi.
Soeparno said, the Navy wants to buy three warships made in England. Kind of multi role light frigates built by BAE shipyard in 2001. The first ship has completed the test at sea in December 2003. The second vessel were tested in May 2004. Then the third ship began to sail in October 2004.
The ship was originally ordered the Kingdom of Brunei Darussalam. But after seeing the results of three trials, the Kingdom of canceling the order.
If Brunei reluctant, why did the Navy actually eager to buy it?
"We annunciator, the cancellation of the purchase of British warship by Brunei is not due to technical reasons but for political reasons. That is no offense in Britain Brunei on a particular issue," said Soeparno.
More information then obtained from the military authorities of Brunei. Apparently, said Soeparno, the number of naval personnel that rich countries are limited in number. Only about 800 personnel. While the three British-made warships operated by the 330 personnel needed. As a result, Brunei will take care of the hassles.
Finally, in 2007 the ship was moved from Brasko Brunei to the shipyard in England. A year later the Ministry of Defense in the Navy offers to buy it.
"The Navy also follow up on that. We stated, the offer is very good in order to fulfill the Navy fleet," he said.
Brunei had to pay about 600 million pounds per vessel. The bidding for the Navy, the ship was fairly redeemed at 296 million euros, or about 380 million U.S. dollars. This figure is fairly cheap. On the other hand prefer Brunei purchased the boat dock Indonesia because it has its own shipyard for maintenance. Other interested parties is Malaysia.
According Soeparno, this warship because it is equipped with advanced anti-submarine missiles. With completeness, she says, "It can be anticipated during the neighbors boat."
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According Soeparno, this warship because it is equipped with advanced anti-submarine missiles. With completeness, she says, "It can be anticipated during the neighbors boat.
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