เช่น ทอ. ตุรกี ที่เริ่มประจำการด้วย F-16 แบบ กลาสคอทพิท ก็ต้องทำการปรับปรุง T-38 เดิม เพื่อให้รองรับกับ F-16 รุ่นใหม่ที่เข้าประจำการ
Under the T-38 Avionics Modernization (ARI) Program, TAI as a prime contractor, will design, develop and implement the T-38 avionics upgrade for the TuAF.The T-38 Modernization (ARI) Program will extend the utilization of the T-38 aircraft well into the mid of 21st century upgraded with more reliable and modern avionics and subsystems.Under the T-38 Avionics Modernization (ARI) Program which began in September 20th, 2007; total of 55 TuAF T-38A aircraft are to be upgraded in two phases, namely the Prototype and Serial Production.During the Prototype Phase, the modification of five aircraft will be performed at TAI facilities. The remaining 50 production aircraft will be modified at TuAF 1st Air Supply and Maintenance Center as part of Serial Production Phase.Training and technical data package will be provided by TUSAŞ for serial production phase and TAI will also be responsible for long term integrated logistics support.Under ARI program, the avionics, that are standard in the T-38 trainers, will be replaced with state-of-the-art digital technology. TAI is responsible for upgrading T-38 aircraft with the following systems/equipment as well as providing long lasting logistics support.
Central Control Computer, embedded with Operational Flight Program (OFP) and NDBS (No Drop Bomb Scoring System) will be designed, developed and qualified by national capabilities.In the scope of the modernization project; besides providing technical upgrades human machine interface will be developed as well. The modernization will be determined with user friendly, safe and maintainable environments approved by human machine interface analysts.The program is scheduled to be completed in 69 months with 39 months of it being carried out in TAIs facilities. The first flight of the upgraded T-38 is scheduled for September 2009.
There will be 13 new systems integrated to the aircraft:
Head Up Display (HUD)
Multifunction Color Display (MFCD)
Digital Video Data recorder / Data transfer system (DVDR/DTS)
Hands on throttle and stick(HOTAS)
Intercommunication system(ICS)
V/UHF Communication System
Engine Flight Instrument(EFI)
Cockpit TV System(CTVS)
Avionic Activation Panel (AAP)
Common Control Computer Panel (CCC) Besides of new avionics systems integration, there will be electrical power distribution system modification, TRU (Transformer Rectifier Unit) and battery integration, development in air conditioning and pitot static system modification