Surabaya – Pembangunan kapal perang jenis perusak kawal rudal pesanan Kementerian Pertahanan di PT PAL Indonesia senilai Rp2,2 triliun melibatkan sedikitnya 35 desainer handal dan 435 tenaga produksi. Surabaya - Development warship type missile destroyers escorted the Ministry of Defence orders in PT PAL Indonesia Rp2, 2 trillion reliable involving at least 35 designers and 435 production workers.
“Kami punya 64 desainer di PT PAL ini, sebanyak 35 desainer terpilih yang kami libatkan dalam pembangunan kapal PKR (perusak kawal rudal). "We have 64 designers at PT PAL, a total of 35 designers chosen for which we engage in shipbuilding PKR (missile destroyer escort). Mereka akan didukung 443 tenaga produksi,” kata Direktur Utama PT PAL Indonesia, Harsusanto, di Surabaya, Selasa. They will be supported by 443 production workers, "said President Director of PT PAL Indonesia, Harsusanto, at Surabaya on Tuesday.
Dari 35 desainer tersebut, tiga orang di antaranya telah dikirim ke Belanda untuk magang di mitra kerja Pal. Of the 35 designers, three of whom have been sent to Holland for an internship at the partner Pal.
“Kebetulan mitra kami di Belanda sedang mengerjakan lima unit “fregat” pesanan Maroko,” katanya. "Incidentally, our partners in the Netherlands is working on five units of" frigate "orders Morocco," he said.
Dalam merealisasikan pesanan Kemhan itu, pemerintah menunjuk perusahaan perkapalan asal Belanda, Demen Schelde Netherlands Shipyard (DSNS), sebagai mitra PAL. In order to realize Kemhan, the government appointed a Dutch shipping company, demen Schelde Shipyard Netherlands (DSNs), as a partner PAL.
Dengan mengirimkan tiga desainer itu, Harsusanto berharap ada transfer ilmu yang diperoleh sehingga ketergantungan terhadap negara asing dalam memenuhi kebutuhan alat utama sistem pertahanan (alutsista) bisa diminimalisasi. With three designers to send it, hoping there Harsusanto acquired knowledge transfer so that dependence on foreign countries in meeting the needs of the primary means of defense (defense equipment) can be minimized.
“Kami sudah memiliki kesepakatan dengan DSNS bahwa pembangunan kapal tersebut 40 persen kami yang menangani dan kami berharap dukungan industri strategis nasional sehingga komponen-komponen yang kami butuhkan tidak perlu kami dapatkan dari luar negeri,” katanya. "We already have a deal with DSNs that construction of the ship 40 percent of our deal and we hope to support the national strategic industry so that the components we need is not necessary we get from overseas," he said.
Kesepakatan tersebut, lanjut dia, harus segera ditindaklanjuti oleh Kemhan sehingga kapal itu sudah bisa dioperasikan TNI AL pada Agustus 2014, dengan catatan kontrak efektif Kemhan dengan DSNS terealisasi pada awal November 2010. The agreement, he continued, should be followed up immediately by Kemhan so that the ship will be operational by the Navy in August 2014, with a record contract with DSNs Kemhan effectively realized in early November 2010.
DSNS berniat menginvestasikan dananya sekitar 220 juta dolar AS untuk membangun kapal PKR di PT PAL melalui sistem kredit ekspor. DSNs intended to invest about 220 million U.S. dollars to build ships in PT PAL PKR through export credit system. Pemerintah bersedia mengalokasikan dana sebesar 15 persen dari nilai investasi itu yang diambilkan dari APBN selama empat tahun anggaran. The government was willing to allocate funds by 15 percent of the value of the investment to be taken from the state budget during the budget four years.
“Kalau industri strategis nasional, seperti PT Pindad, PT Dirgantara Indonesia, PT Krakatau Steel, PT LEN, PT Inti, PT Texmaco, PT Maspion, dan PT Tadakara bisa memenuhi kebutuhan kami, maka dana kredit ekspor yang diberikan DSNS itu tidak akan kembali lagi ke luar negeri,” katanya di depan Wakil Menham Letjen TNI Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin dan anggota Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP). "If the national strategic industries, such as PT Pindad, PT Dirgantara Indonesia, PT Krakatau Steel, PT LEN, PT Inti, PT Texmaco, PT Maspion, and PT Tadakara could meet our needs, then the export credit funds provided DSNs will not come back again abroad, "he said in front of the Vice Menham Lieutenant General Sjafrie and members of the Defence Industrial Policy Committee (KKIP).
Missi operasi Mission operations
Kapal PKR yang dirancang PT Pal dapat digunakan TNI-AL untuk menjalankan misi operasi, di antaranya peperangan elektronika, peperangan antiudara, peperangan antikapal selam, peperangan antikapal permukaan, dan bantuan tembakan kapal. PKR ship designed PT Pal can be used to run the Navy mission operations, including electronic warfare, warfare antiudara, antikapal warfare submarines, surface warfare antikapal, and fire support ship.
Panjang kapal itu 105 meter, lebar 14 meter, kedalaman 8,8 meter, dan kecepatan maksimum 30 knot dengan dilengkapi rudal SAM, SSM, dan rudal antikapal selam. The length of the ship was 105 feet, width 14 meters, depth 8.8 meters, maximum speed of 30 knots and equipped with a SAM missile, SSM, and antikapal missile submarines.
Kapal yang memiliki landasan helikopter hingga kapasitas 10 ton itu juga dilengkapi radar untuk mendeteksi kapal selam dan pesawat udara serta dipersenjatai meriam kaliber 76-100 mm dan kaliber 20-30 mm, peluncur rudal, dan senjata torpedo. The ship has a helipad up to a capacity of 10 tons was also equipped with radar to detect submarines and aircraft and armed with cannon caliber 76-100 mm and 20-30 mm caliber, missile launchers, and torpedo weapons.
Meskipun bermitra dengan DSNS, Kemhan dan Pal memiliki hak menjual kapal sejenis ke negara-negara di Asia tanpa dibebani kewajiban membayar royalti. Although partnering with DSNs, Kemhan and Pal have the right to sell ships to countries in Asia without the burden of the obligation to pay royalties.
Sementara itu, anggota KKIP, Teguh Rahardjo, menyatakan Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi siap membantu PAL di bidang pelatihan sumber daya manusia melalui pemberian bea siswa. Meanwhile, members of the KKIP, Teguh Rahardjo, said the Ministry of Research and Technology is ready to help PAL in the field of human resource training through the provision of scholarships.
“Kami mendukung sepenuhnya peningkatan kualitas manajemen di PAL, kalau diberi kewenangan penuh karena untuk mendidik tenaga “engineering” itu sebenarnya tidak butuh waktu lama,” kata Deputi Kemristek Bidang Relevansi dan Produktivitas Iptek itu. "We fully support the improvement of quality management in the PAL, if given full authority as to educate the force" engineering "it actually does not take long," said Deputy Kemristek Fields Relevance and Productivity Science.
Sekjen Kementerian Perindustrian, Agus Cahyono, yang juga anggota KKIP, mengingatkan PAL agar pandai bersiasat dalam transformasi teknologi dengan pihak asing, seperti DSNS itu. Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry, Agus Cahyono, who is also a member of KKIP, reminding PAL so clever maneuvering in the transformation of technology by foreign parties, such as DSNs that.
“Ini namanya “ongkos bodoh”. "Its called" fare stupid ". Kita punya modal sedikit, tapi harus pandai-pandai memanfaatkan kepandaian dan kelebihan orang lain,” katanya. We had a little capital, but must be very clever use of intelligence and the excess of others, "he said.
Ia juga meminta PAL mewaspadai hal-hal sekecil apa pun terkait proyek kerja sama pembangunan kapal PKR dengan DSNS itu. He also asked the PAL to be alert to the slightest thing-related development cooperation projects with DSNs PKR ship it.
“Pengalaman kami di industri migas saat bekerja sama dengan pihak asing bisa jadi pelajaran, seperti halnya biaya parkir sampai urusan sandal jepit pun mereka bebankan pada kita,” katanya. "Our experience in the oil and gas industry while working with a foreign party can be a lesson, as well as parking fees until the affairs of any flip-flops they charge at us," he said.
Oleh sebab itu, KKIP meminta PAL fokus pada divisi yang memiliki kekuatan. Therefore, KKIP asked PAL to focus on the division of power.
“Jangan sampai kehabisasn stamina di tengah jalan. "Do not let kehabisasn stamina in the middle of the road. untuk mengantisipasi ini kami akan memberikan “time saving” sehingga jika terjadi dinamika, proyek ini tetap jalan terus,” kata Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin yang menjabat Sekretaris KKIP itu. in anticipation of this we will give you "time saving" so that in case of dynamics, the project is still going ahead, "said Sjafrie that the Secretary of KKIP it.
KKIP dibentuk melalui peraturan presiden dengan menunjuk Menhan sebagai ketua dan beberapa sekjen serta deputi sejumlah kementerian terkait sebagai anggota. KKIP established through a presidential decree to appoint as chairman of the Defense Minister and several deputy secretary-general and a number of relevant ministries as members.
Sumber: ANTARA JATIM , Maju Indonesiaku Sources: Reuters JATIM , Maju Indonesiaku